I think I figured out how the Ballot works. If an individual gets even 1 vote then they are elected to be a Director. They really aren't running against anyone. In fact there is a box to vote for the entire slate so if ANYONE checks that then everyone is "elected". I guess a ballot like this can only come from California! (or maybe Florida?) The results will be published in the next DW and I will make a prediction, the entire slate will be "elected" unopposed! I can't believe a ballot like this could exist in a free country like America! David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxx> wrote: > I just got a ballot for the Board of Directors. I really don't > understand how you are supposed to vote. How many Directors do they > actually want. If anyone understands this and can explain it please
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