--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "cruznmd" <racuti1@xxxx> wrote: <SNIP> > My idle speed regulator is brand-new. Like everything else....and it > is humming. I'm definitely keen on trying new things so I'll do it. By > the way, is there a specific direction it should be installed? I > wouldn't think so, because when it's open it's open and closed is > closed. Either way air is going to flow or not depending on the valve > position but you never know... <SNIP> Yes, the ISM does indeed need to be installed in a specific direction. There should be an arrow on the side dictating the air flow direction. Since there is a designation, there's got to be a reason for it. Most likly, it's probably to prevent the valve from working too hard against the force of the air flow passing thru it. The ISM buzzing isn't always a sure sign that it is working properly. I had it go out on me suddenly in traffic one night, and had to keep the motor revving to keep it from dying. After a new motor, and a bit of electrical troubleshooting, I discovered that I had a damaged wire. Although before you even get that far into troubleshooting, you'll first need to isolate the Idle Speed Circuit as the culprit. And to do that, you'll need to bypass the unit manually. -Robert vin 6585 "X"
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