I may have read a different reply and therefore have a different scope of what Henry Breer said to David. If I was involved with a specific group of people with common interests (DeLoreans), and offered membership to anyone interested in joining, I would try to protect and educate only those who were members and supported this group, which maybe we could name the DeLorean Owners Association. Why should this group help outsiders who won't support the club? They (DOA) have access to a great wealth of information concerning the marque, and are not hiding with it. They simply have decided to make a business venture with this knowledge, charge an annual fee to join, and publish a magazine, have shows, to display the methods of enhancing and correcting wrongs with the car. One day, after the DOA has been assembled and purring along, a new mode of transmitting information shows up, called the internet. It is discovered that information can be exchanged for nothing, and is really fast with answers! No membership, no applications, no expenses for written directions on how to fix the car, get parts, meet people with the same interest, etc. The DOA has had it's time. It worked well at the start. Now a new method has become available to do a better job. No one wants to see a baby die. The DOA was a dream, for those pioneers, the same as the car was a dream for John Z. They feel their concept worked then and will continue.Good luck to them!!! Personalities always affect how a business, association, etc. survives. If you don't like their attitude, don't buy from them, or join them, or have anything to do with them. I was a member of the DOA many years ago. Now I'm not. It does not serve my purpose any longer.However I won't condemn them because of their views and attitudes. If they (DOA) want to sell bubble gum, or promote Montreal, (which I think is a lousy city), or become a travel magazine ....who cares. If they close...too bad....they were once the best....time moves on!!! My thoughts anyway! Marv # 17707 marv@xxxx [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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