In response to an earlier request to post a final email on these email topics, here is my (hopefully) final post on my water pump troubles. New pump from Special-T-Auto worked great, and my D is back in service. I will note that the pump from Special-T-Auto, rotated by hand much more smoothly than did the pump from Volvo. It is also threaded at the end, and the shaft protrudes more, but these are of no concern to me. Make sure if you do move your own pulley from stock pump to a Volvo type replacement, that you look on Special-T-Auto's site for the pulley reference picture. You can press the pulley on using a press or vice and a socket on the shaft at the impeller side to save the impeller. Also, I was able to R&R pump without removing the intake manifold, and etc., though I did have to loosen the four bolts common to it and the heads to reattach the rear hoses. This may be of value to someone who has a situation like mine where the o-rings and hoses under the intake do not need attention (replaced recently). Dan in Cocoa, FL (3932) Subject: My water pump failed again, revisited. Thought I'd share my experience this weekend. After rebuilding the engine because of a bad water pump, the darn thing failed again on the first day I actually drove it anywhere after the rebuild. When I took the failed water pump out this weekend, the pulley would not rotate (and by the way, I only removed the belt, the throttle barrel assembly and the intake plenum 'w pipe'). I saw on a picture showing how to tell if the pulley was pushed on far enough and sure enough it was out 3/4 of an inch. When I took the back of the pump off, I found that the impeller wheel had indeed been rubbing the back of the water pump case, and in fact there was quite a bit of damage to both the back and the impeller wheel too. This rubbing must have transferred the heat to the seal, and caused a failure. I figure I sped up the process by having the belt very tight, which caused the pulley and impeller to try to align, causing it to push into the backing. I think I'll let SpecialTAuto put on the pulley this time. Would have saved me this fun experience!! Dan in Cocoa (3932) Dan Foss (321) 476-3701
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