....Sorry man, they won't go up!! ^_^ Hiyas everyone! (^_^)/ Well, first I wanna say HELLO to all ya! ^_^ Second, I may be buying a "D" soon.....it's a '83........not that bad of shape........but the driver window won't roll down.........and the passenger window works, but it goes up crooked.....so there is about half an inch to ~half a centemeter of space that is still not covered when it's fully up. I went to DeLorean One's site, so I have an idea what I'd need........but I would like the Group's opinion! ^_^ Oh, guess I should say this, I like the "D"......no I LOVE the "D", because 1) I LOVE BTTF.....esp the original.......I watched that movie MANY times ^^ ; 2) It's DIFFERENT! ^_^ and 3).......heck, it is just plain cool!! ^_^ Well, I gotta go now, dinner ^_^ Take great care EVERYONE!!! (^_^)/``` ==Tenchi
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