What problems did you have with the transmission? Was it due to mechanical failure or the shifting computer. --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "dmc_delorean_2000" <dmc_delorean_2000@xxxx> wrote: > hi > I've had a Lot and I mean ALOT of problems with my automatic 3 spd > transmission since getting my car and the problems just get worse and > worse. rahter than fix it more or buy a new auto DMC tranny, would it > be finacialy possible to convert to a delorean 5spd tranny? meaning > would it be worth doing? I mean whats it going to take to do this > conversion? about how much am i going to spend doing it? would i be > able to do this myself or will I be in WAY over my head? I was > originally going to put in a ZF 4hp22 4spd automatic tranny (idea and > info by bob brandy), but upon intensive research found that it is > going to be a very complicated and expensive task. I also found that > it too (as with many Auto Trannys) has its share of problems, and I > dont need any problems. anybody have any suggestions or ideas as to > what kind of parts im going to need and man hours need, ETC. any > input would be helpful > Thanks > Tony Izzo > VIN# 2467 (under construction)
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