putting D in Museum - advice?
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putting D in Museum - advice?

Hi guys,
Unfortunately I have to go back to Ireland in October for about 8 
months or so, to finish college, and there is no point in bringing 
the DeLorean with me, as the insurance is so crazy back home, about 
$10,000 a year for me on the DeLorean. (No, thats not a typo!)...

Anyway, instead of putting my DeLorean in storage, I've decided to 
put it in a museum for a year. I found a museum in Florida who would 
be delighted to display the car, their website is 
What do I need to think about before giving my car away to these 
guys? I'll have my own insurance covering it during its stay in 
Florida. Should I get a contract drawn up, and what should I include 
in it? Any other list members have their car in a museum?
I'll be driving down to Florida in September to give them the car, 
should be a nice drive! Hopefully I'll be allowed to write the 
information which will be displayed beside the car, so I'll write a 
very nice and complimentary review of it and of course the man 
himself, John Z. 
Well, any help and advice will be very much appreciated!
John Dore, Boston, MA. VIN #3810
PS I'm really going to miss America, and my DeLorean!!!

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