If you think some parts are too expensive then think about what you would pay for a part that is no longer available! The venders are our only hope to keep that from happening. Your Delorean could become worthless if there is no source of parts. Besides have you seen the prices on parts for modern cars lately? I just bought a rim for a 2002 Pontiac Grand Am and (are you ready for this?) it was $560. It is true that you can buy many parts from other sources but they will only have parts that also fit other cars. They will NEVER have parts that are Delorean specific, the market is just too small. Thank the Venders for gambling their entire business future on us by patronizing them whenever you can. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, RaistsApprentice@xxxx wrote: > > There's a little phrase I find appropriate for these situations: "Whatever the market will bear." > And that's my two cents.