Those of you DML'ers collecting DeLorean TV/Movie appearances, I have another one for you. I was watching an SNL rerun on comedy central today, the one Michael J. Fox hosted to be specific. After George Bush's (Dana Carvey's) Second Post Gulf War Address, in which Michael J. Fox was Dan Quayle, by the way, Michael J. Fox started the show & did the usual things the host does. Then he tells a joke which bombs, and Kevin Neelon, dressed as Doc, & Dana Carvey dressed as Michael from 90 minutes in the future rush in and tell Michael he can't do the show because he bombs horribly & they have to go back in time to keep him from ever hosting the show. Then they show a few clips of the Bttf 2 DeLorean superimposed flying around outside the SNL studio. John Yeoman