Nope, DeLorean's did come with the antenna installed in the back. Well, later one's that is. Since it's a subject that has been repeated I don't know how many times, I'll avoid the posting the history of the antenna here. But, it is for the most part a relativly easy part to access. You can buy an entire new unit, or a replacement mast to repair. I believe that Darryl Tinnerstet carries the mast in stock (haven't yet imported my archived e-mails from backup). Mine failed recently too. But after 20 years, I'd say that's a pretty good life span. Another item to check is to make sure that the electrical connections are all good. If when the radio is turned on and off you hear the antenna motor activating, then the mast is all that's broken. -Robert vin 6585 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, WyldKard <wyldkard@xxxx> wrote: > A DeLorean I've been looking at has a problem with the automatic antenna - > it's stuck in the "up" position. I was under the impression, however, that > all DeLoreans had the antenna mounted in the windshield... <SNIP>
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