Kevin, There have been two sets of numbers tossed around for the Deloreans. The first and most widely know number is 8,700 that were produced and sold. The first production car was built on Jan 21, 1981. It is vin # BD000500 and we saw it last June @ the Crawford car museum in Cleveland, Ohio. The last one made was vin DD0020104 on Dec 24, 1982. I believe this is the third 24 karate gold "D" that we also saw @ the Crawford Car Museum. This car was privately owned but shipped out from the East coast for the June 2000 car show. The other set of numbers we have seen in the last year or so is the over 10,000 figure that includes company and executive cars that were built but not initially sold. They were the cars used by DMC management for company purposes and as job perks. If 6,000 came to the U.S then about 4,000 would be left. The attrition rate for the "D" has been estimated at about 33%. Bill
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