The comments concerning the valuable information in the archives is valid. However if all incoming comments concerning fixes, sources and problems are terminated because they have been duplicated over the years, we have arrived at the end of this list function! I, for one, enjoy reading the trials and tribulations of other DeLorean owners. For the most part, I have been there and learn to watch out for unexplored territory. New suggestions come forth and in some cases new friendships are developed. The list is monitored in a business-like manner and serves an important part in one's DeLorean life cycle!! Marvin Stein tel: 519 - 434 - 1666 fax: 519 - 434 - 7071 email: marv@xxxx PRINTED DRINKWARE COMPANY 924 Dundas Street London, Ontario, Canada, N5W 3A1 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]