It seems that everyone agrees that moisture is bad. So, why would it not be a good idea to let your car run every week or two? Again, apples to apples....I let it run a good long time, I don't start it up a for a few minutes and shut it down right away, that would be insane. Idle running a car is for keeping the engine oil moving and for moisutre burn off right? So why would this be bad? The idea of taking it out for a drive is a good one but is impossible for many of us for numerous reasons, first being that storage insurance doesn't allow for it. Secondly the amount of road salt used here in the North is excessive. I wouldn't dream of exposing my car to it and lastly, in order to get my three cars in the barn my DeLorean is put in sideways in a back parking spot that takes about a 15 point turn. Yes, it does get to -20 or colder here, I, of course, try to avoid these days to start my car. I leave my drivers side window open and reach in to open it as the door handles can get very tight. I don't need a snapped of handle. I think that starting your car is far better than leaving it sit totally idle for 4-6 months. There are so many different opinions on this that I guess it comes down to your own personal preference. I have stored my car the last 2 winters with no issues of it coming out of storage, my car goes to Rob every year for work so I know every system is in top peak condition. New question: to put the car up off it's wheels are jack stands preferred, if so where should they be placed? Are wood blocks better? Where would they go? where the jack stand holes are? Tom 005732 MT Visit me on the web at:
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