Hi all I have an 81 DeLorean and I love it to bits, the only slight grudge I have is that it looks sporty, has wheels equal in size to most high performance cars but is sadly lacking in the speed/acceleration department. I hear of many people adding turbochargers and super chargers as well as changing the engines but being an automatic the last thing I want to do is knacker the gearbox or some other important mechanical component. If I was to add a turbocharger what kind of price would I be looking at ? and how hard are they to install ? is it something your average mechanically minded person can do at home with the right tools, or is it a job for the professional which is obviously going to add to the cost. Any help would be most appreciated. regards James England P.S my DeLorean web page is now www.dmc12.co.uk (was www.btinternet.com/~dmc12)