DMCers, I'm about to commence having the refurbishment of my RHD DeLorean carried out. The manual 3,790mile engine has been partly dismantled and left to sit for 6 years. Anyone got any comments on my alternatives:- 1. Refurbish the existing that has had the valve covers and exhaust headers off. (I have a complete automatic engine with 28k miles from my spares-DMC) 2. A Turbo engine : BAE single turbo or alternatives??? ........... I'm a bit wary having had experience with turbo motorcycles and a 924Turbo ... how reliable is a post-turboed engine? 3. Spend $5k and get a new Houston PRV? By the way, I'm not interested in disfiguring the car to accommodate a V8 or non-PRV engine! I'll be using this car as a weekend driver but want max. reliability after refurbishing. Any comments and advice would be much appreciated. Cheers, IAN vins 6425LHD & 0780RHD (& 1205spares) *******************************************************