I purchased a replacement fitting for this wiring(connector, wires, 2 lugs) for about $9 from one of the DMC suppliers a few years ago. Kind of expensive for a plug and a couple of lugs, but it was OEM. Any other quality connector should be functionally equivalent. Saw a car last week where it was wire nuts and extension-cord wire, that was probably a LITTLE too crude, but it did work. > > It should not surprise anyone to learn that our fuel pump connectors are > > wearing out. My car did the same thing earlier this year. I thought it > > was the inertia switch, but it turned out to be the electrical > > connections to the fuel pump. They do not last forever. My advice is to > > cut the wires, go to a hardware store, and buy some sort of strong > > connector to replace it. > > > > Everyone should probably replace this connection in the next few years. > > > > - Mike Substelny > > VIN 01280, 7 years
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