Many of us (including myself) would highly recommend that when you are looking for a DeLorean to buy, don't buy the first one. Look at several others as you probably won't have any others around to compare to. Well, I broke the rule. When I drove the car, I fell in love. The car had sat for many years and had the fuel problems, but the previous owner fixed them all. The only apparent mechanical problem was the brakes pulled to the left (gunk in the lines as I found out). I decided to buy the car and proceeded to drive it from Washington D.C back to Knoxville, TN. No problems - in fact, the car drove better and better after every gas stop. How many other used cars around (18 years old no less) would you feel confident in driving approx. 450 miles after simply test driving. The car was and is still beautiful and mechanically sound. I would never hesitate on taking it on a trip to anywhere in the country. I only wish that I had deeper pockets and more room in the garage for another D! Sean Howley VIN#2345