Lee Seiler (lee@xxxx) ask me to post a message to the DML that his mail has been down for several days and he's not sure when it will be available again. His mail provider was bought out and they messed up his mail. So, if you have been trying to get hold of Lee about keys or the model kits, you can pass your messages to me and I'll make sure Lee gets them. I'm rebuilding his website and it will soon have a lot more information about the models and keys plus new items. ================================================================ Ken Montgomery Sacramento, CA VIN #10911 'OUTTIME' http://www.jps.net/arkham/delorean01.htm mailto:kenm@xxxx Northern California DeLorean Motor Club http://members.tripod.com/ncdmc/ Keeper of the International DeLorean Owners Directory http://www.dmcnews.com mailto:directory@xxxx ================================================================