The picture I have on the web was taken when the car had cut springs in it. With the "cut and swap" method, the car looks great! It is nice an low, and the tires fill the wheel wells nicely. The car was this way when I purchased it. With the front springs in the back of the car, and was not happy with the stiffness of the rear. So, I purchased a set of 4 lowering springs from DMC Houston. I am happy with the ride quality improvement, but the front of the car "looks" too high now. I have gotten used to it, and it does not bother me as much as it did before. I must admit that the car is now more level, where before the nose was lower then the back. I can take some pictures of how the car looks now, if you like. Danny Smith wrote: > > Marc, > Do you know the lowering method used on your D? Perfect! > Dan - 7065 >
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