I've always heard that if you intend to store a car for an extended period, one of the things you should do is disengage the clutch by holding it to the floor with a pole. The clutch face and flywheel can rust slightly, making them stick together.
But there's a whole laundry list of prep items for long-term storage, one being to plug up every inlet/outlet on the car. I met someone once with a beautiful classic Corvette that had pieces scattered around the garage. The owner explained that the car had been in perfect order, but rodents had taken up residence in the climate control ventilation system, leaving nests, feces and (regrettably) carcasses. He wasremoving every inch of vent plumbing to clean it and hopefully banish the stench, which he said was so bad that the car was undrivable.
The moral: Drive your car!
Gus Schlachter
Austin, TX
VIN #4695
-----Original Message-----
From: Lance R Haslewood
Last year I replaced the clutch pressure plate as the previous one had
schredded and while at it, I had the slave cylinder overhauled. I don't
drive the 'D' that often, perhaps once every couple of months. The problem
is that I have difficulty in disengaging the clutch after the car has been
standing for awhile. Whilst I am able to move the gear selector through the
complete gear range when the engine is not running, it is impossible when it
is running. To 'unlock' the clutch, I find it necessary to 'rock' the car
whilst it is in gear with the clutch engaged.
Has anybody else experienced this problem, and if so, howwas it overcome?
Lance Haslewood
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