[DMCForum] Re: DMC Wine..
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[DMCForum] Re: DMC Wine..
- From: "Dick Ryan" <deloreanbiker@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 01:07:11 -0000
Bravo Rob! Bravo!!!!!!
Dick Ryan
VIN 16867
--- In DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, <rob@xxxx> wrote:
> Dear Video Boob,
> Damn, another "typo"? This is at least the third time I'm aware of
that you
> badmouthed me in relation to our discussions last year and I haven't
> following the forum for at least six months so perhaps there's many
more. I
> think I'll just set the record straight. When you called you said if I
> remember correctly to give me prices for all the parts for a Delorean's
> front end as you had been in an accident. I mentioned that that
would not be
> a very productive use of my time but since you already had an
estimate from
> the adjuster you could forward it to me and I would try to work you
a better
> price based on the parts you actually needed. You refused that I idea (I
> guess you thought I would somehow use it to take advantage of you)
but after
> several calls you finally gave me a list of what you wanted. I felt
like I
> was prying your teeth to get classified information!
> With this information I gave you a few options on new and used parts but
> your primary interest seemed to be in the rare hood w/flap that I
had which
> your car didn't even come with but you just had to have the flap. I told
> that you I had no desire to sell the hood, because I was saving it
for my
> Legend cars, but If you insisted I might consider it if you bought
all the
> parts from us. It is fairly SOP for venders to do this to keep
people from
> cherry picking their inventory.
> I also don't normally sell a perfect L/H fender for $1500- but said
if you
> gave me your old one as a repairable core I would do it. I had no
idea this
> would offend you so. A week later you called me up and said you just
> back from Houston and had bought all the parts you needed there but you
> still wanted my hood. I have no problem with you buying your parts
from DMCH
> but reminded you I wasn't that interested in selling it and
especially not
> as the finishing touch to someone who gave the rest of the job to
> else and came back for the one part no one else had. You seem to want
> everyone and thing to bend your way and when it doesn't happen you flame
> them on the Forum and the DML.
> I also remember offering to HELP you in dealing with the adjuster
but you
> wouldn't even let me see the estimate. You go on to say "I have
nothing bad
> to say about" me right after saying "It must be nice to dictate the
terms of
> business to your customers" in a very derogatory way. Hello!!! ..Do
you let
> customers tell you how to run your business? Probably not. And what
did you
> say Robert (DMC Vegas) could do to your sister? How crass? I mean what
> class! Damn, another "typo", I've got to slow down. I do like your
idea of
> a "meet Video Boob" booth in Chicago however you'll draw a MUCH
longer line
> if you offer them a softball and three shots to try and knock some sense
> into your head. I'd even stand in that line. Naawww?never happen.
> Sincerely,
> Rob Grady
> _____
> From: Videobob Moseley [mailto:videobob@xxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:17 AM
> To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [DMCForum] DMC Wine..
> I didn't figure my response would get much praise from you....Marc.
> I have not seen Rob's shop, so I don't know what he's got going over
> Yeah, maybe the DMCH big building is a little ego based, who knows,
but they
> are doing a good job of storing the parts and keeping them safe,
> them categorized and ready for sale.
> All I can tell you is that when I needed to buy the parts I needed,
the east
> coast was of no help to me. When I told Rob that I needed a left front
> fender, and I had found one for $1500 he told me that he would match
> price, if I would send him my old fender. What?
> When I wanted to buy a hood, he said he wouldn't sell me one unless
I both
> sent him
> my old hood but bought the fender from him and sent him my old one too.
> Gee whiz, what a deal.
> Then he refused to to help me with my insurance adjusters unless I
> ALL of my parts from him, "I don't want to piece these parts out,
it's all
> or nothing" he said.
> It must be nice to be able to dictate the terms of business to your
> customers.
> Reminds me of another Delorean parts seller who thought they were
> one".
> I am sure Rob does fantastic work, and I have nothing bad to say
about him
> and I have bought lots of accessories from his website, but when I
> parts in the end it was DMCH that provided them. When I called
Warren and
> told him I need a new hood, I found it on my porch the next morning
and it
> cost me under $1000.00
> Wine or no wine, my car is on the road and DMCH is responsible for it.
> So, I am not going to stick my nose into all of their personal
business, I
> don't give a shit about them selling wine or DMC salad dressing -
who cares?
> I don't.
> It's not my job to police the doings of DMCH and I am not going to sit
> around and monitor the internet and waste my life on such bitter and
> pathetic endeavors.
> If you really give a shit about DeLorean cars and "The Dream", "The
> and the overall public perception, then stop picking on everyone on the
> internet and just mind your own business and promote a positive vibe
> the car and the people who surround it.
> The lurkers of this list who are reading all this crap will get the
> impression of the car, it's owners and the vendors who support it.
> Repeat....
> "Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean"......
> >From: Marc Levy <malevy_nj@xxxx>
> >Reply-To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: RE: [DMCForum] DMC Wine..
> >Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 20:13:18 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >Wow, you are so off base I am not sure where to start!
> >
> >DMCH's expenses are their own fault. Even if they had
> >to get all of the parts out of the building in
> >Columbus, they did not need to move them all to
> >Houston. Someplace more local with low rent would
> >have been more logical. Why build a huge "word class"
> >facility??? One reason; EGO. And anyone who owns a
> >DeLorean, or will own one in the future will be paying
> >the price. You don't need a fancy building to sell
> >parts, and fix cars.
> >
> >I did not know YOU were the expert on comparing which
> >vendors have bigger investments in their business.
> >What research do you base these comments on?
> >
> >If DeLorean owners are cheap, why would we buy a
> >bottle of overpriced wine with a fancy label?? I can
> >design my own label and slap it on any bottle of shit
> >I can get my hands on.. IMHO, it is DMCH being
> >greedy. Making a quick buck licensing a trademark
> >that they don't rightfully own.
> >
> >--- Videobob Moseley <videobob@xxxx> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > In a lame defense of DMCH, if the owners would
> ><SNIP>
> >
> >
> >
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