[DMCForum] Re: Why? (For Marc, Jack and now Flavia)
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[DMCForum] Re: Why? (For Marc, Jack and now Flavia)
- From: "Flavia" <frvianna@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 03:58:22 -0000
Hey rich,
Since I am included, here are my words:
I am against what Muslins do to their women, how they are treated,
but I don't go to any Muslim person and say: hey you bastard respect
your wife. I think it's wrong, but I never went out to defend them,
maybe I should, but then I'd be interefering in their lives.
I never tell people not to believe in God, but I hate when they come
to me and say God will do this to you... I say taht I don't believe
that will happen, I'm atheist, I don't believe in God, then some
people think I'm a freak and that I'll go to hell. I usually say that
hell is more fun than heaven, then they hate me more. Later on they
usually realize that no one will change what I think and they respect
it, the same way I respect them, since I never attack christians.
I think that can say whatewver I want as long as I don't attack
anyone. I never understood why some men like otehr men or women like
other women, but it's none of my business. I do think it's a waste to
see and attractive guy who is gay, but what can I do :)
They have the right to do whatever they want with whatever partner
they want. Gay couples are 2 adults, so why do people have to
interfere? I wouldn't enjoy seeing public display of affection
between 2 women or 2 men, but if I ever see it, I just won't look, bc
it's not my problem.
I think Liberal and Socialist are distinct terms and they will never
be similar, I don't cconsider myself being any of them. Socialist,
based on Marx's ideas, never I love money, capitalism is what I
believe. Is it cruel, unfair? Yeah, maybe, but I'm happy to be in a
capitalist world, Socialism is beautiful in paper, but rather utopic.
Abortion is a difficult topic too, I don't think many men
understand. Men don't get fat, ugly, tired, etc when expecting a
baby, they just wait and thir wife do the rest (the most of it). it's
a beautiful thing when there is planning, suppost adn everyone wants
that child. But a woman who got preagnant by accident, either bc they
don't know anything about sex because they were not educated, or bc
they were raped, or whatever, and they don't want that child her life
will turn into a hell if she goes on with it. So once she finds out
she's preagnant, go ahead and abort if that is what she wishes. I
agree that it should be as early as possible. Plus it's legal, it's
her body, her life, why do people have to come with moral values
saying that she's a murderer, etc. Leave her alone, again attacking
other people is not fair.
So, Rich, if you don't agree that women abort, that is fine, but if
you see a woman that doesn't want to have that child, let her do
whatever, bc she is already suffering enough. It must be horrible to
have an abortion, but worse to bring up an unwanted child.
Well, that is what I think!
--- In DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "cruznmd" <racuti1@xxxx> wrote:
> Freeze right there:
> You have just proven every single thing I've been saying Jack and
> you don't and won't ever realize it but I'll point it out for
> everyone else's benefit:
> You just said "incest is wierd". 100 years ago, blacks marrying
> whites was "wierd" and "frowned upon" you dolt! Just for different
> reasons than incest. Go ahead, tell me how I'm twisting your words
> all around. You give me too much credit. "Incest will never be
> right, we can all agree wiht that one" Ha! People said the same
> thing about blacks and women being looked upon as equals. I'm so
> glad we can rely upon your powers of prognostication Jack!
> You just said "incest is still wrong". Wrong? Why? You just say the
> word "wrong" like a religious zealot would. "Wrong" without ANY
> explanation. You just drew an arbitrary line between "right"
> and "wrong" without any explanation just like a "right-wing nut
> you giant friggin' hypocrite! Incest is "wrong" but abortion,
> homosexuality, are ok. Why? Because someone before you, decided
> it was ok and because you can't think for yourself, you follow
> with it. I eliminated your "father is an authority figure" argument
> against incest by using the "brother/brother or brother/sister"
> example. When finally cornered, all you can offer me is that
> it's "WIERD" and "WRONG"????? Pitiful.
> Look everyone! Jack's a conservative head-case! People like him are
> drawing lines between right and wrong! Tomorrow, no one will have
> any rights at all because of people like him! Incestous people
> aren't hurting anyone! What about their rights??
> This is what I have been saying the entire time:
> Society evolves, and what's "acceptable" changes over time. I have
> the moral courage to draw my line between "right and wrong" just a
> little earlier in the sand than you do my friend, and it's not for
> religious reasons.
> At my job, I am -required- to keep a tv tuned to a news channel all
> day. The amount of liberal hand-wringing and crying on the news
> since the election is simply hilarious:
> Let me sum up my beliefs up for you Marc, Jack and Flavia:
> No one is going to take away your right to pray, or not pray to any
> religion. (You DO have to tolerate those who do pray just as they
> tolerate you for NOT praying) No one is going to take away your
> right to abort a fetus (and I don't think anyone should). Lastly,
> one is going to take away your right to cry publicly about
> that's never going to happen.
> If you want to know who the hell is taking away freedom of speech
> our proud nation, I suggest that you look in the mirror! If I
> disagree with homosexuality, or teachings of the Muslim religion
> speak of it in public, I can be arrested and jailed for "hate
> speech" even if I'm NOT inciting violence against them! Who enacted
> that "politically correct" bull? Right wingers? I think not. Since
> when is speech regulated by the amount of hate you convey?
> You can be gay all you want, or abort every time you get pregnant
> and you can belong or not belong to any religion you like, but if
> you think I will be silent when I disagree with it (unless I am
> inciting violence against the aforementioned) you'll be sadly
> disappointed.
> "Liberal" is an oxymoron in this country. Mao Tse Tung refused to
> call himself emperor of China after his revolution because he knew
> the people would rebel against a tyrant. He insisted he be
> called "Chairman Mao" so that he sounded like a steward of the
> people. His motto to his subjects was "Be happy in your work".
> Korea is known as "The Democratic Republic of North Korea" (DPRK).
> Have you heard of Kim Jong Il holding any elections lately? A turd
> by any other name, still smells like shit.
> The word "Liberal" is fast becoming the sweet smelling euphemism
> the word "Socialist". How's that Marc? Am I exercising my right to
> freedom of speech vigorously enough for you now? You had the
> audacity to lecture me for my lack of it earlier.
> Rich
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