I did see Fahrenheit 9/11, and I still didn't vote for Kerry..in fact, I
wrote in John Z. DeLorean, because I didn't agree with any of the
candidates on my ballot. I was hoping my local election coverage would
put his name on TV, and say "1 vote" next to it. Sadly I was grouped
within the category of "other"...I think. Oh well.
Like his movies or not, (I like them!) the fact is Michael Moore is a
master of deception. I think he has some very good points to make, but
the way he goes about doing it takes away my ability to see his movies
as anything more than entertaining story telling.
For example, in "Bowling for Columbine" he makes a statement to the
effect of "street crime went up 600% when TV news stations started
covering it". What if you switched that statement back around to it's
original word order, which was "local TV news stations started covering
street crime when it went up 600%"? He had a valid point, but he
couldn't find facts to back it up, so he did the next best thing and
created one.
I think his main problem with creating his "documentaries", is that he's
too zealous. Nobody...not even George Bush is as completely evil as he
wants them to be...so he has to embellish, and twist the truth to make
them seem so much worse than they are. The truth is somewhere in
between Moore and Limbaugh...if anyone out there can find it, I'm all
ears! In the meantime...DE LOREAN FOR PRESIDENT IN 2008! (WOO!)
PS - if he's still around and I can convince him to run, I wonder who
his running mate would be? Iococca?