I got a few pics of my teenage nephews standing around the
junker holding paint ball guns. I was thinking it would
look good for the DMCForum Yahoo page, but then we are
trying to get away from the renegade look. This was with
old-fashioned film, so it may take a few eons for me to get
around to scanning them. A better pic has the long haired
hippy one with his foot on the wrecked fascia, holding an
H-Bar and giving the middle finger. The caption would read,
"Moderate this."
I got all the refrigerant lines for two cars ready to be
rebuilt tomorrow; uh, I mean later this morning after I've
had some sleep. I'll probably have the only DeLorean with
stainless steel braided refrigerant lines. If it doesn't
cost too much extra, I'll have Rich's hoses done the same
way. You game Rich?