It's an omen. You should park it for at least 3 days. Seriously though, It's my opinion that on cloudy days and/or if you're driving on a black-top road that's really faded bad (ie grey) that you are, in fact harder to see. Add the low profile to that and the fact that 98.2% of drivers today are all driving H2's and Escalades I feel virtually invisible on the road. Also, it's my opinion that these morons wouldn't know until -after- the accident that they hit a DeLorean. They likely wouldn't care either. In fact, I'm betting that 4 of the 6 people that almost hit you, gave you the finger and blamed YOU for the near-miss. --- In DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxx> wrote: > Ok, why is it that people don't see a frinking silver exotic car > when they are driving? What the hell! I drove the D to work today > and yesterday since its nice and sunny here (still cold though) and > i swear, at least 6 people almost broadsided me. you have to wonder > what they are thinking once they realize they almost hit a delorean! > > 4512...scared Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT < 6215:HM/A=1853644/R=0/SIG=124c5sf67/* nding.php?capid=133&caId=1658> click here < ail/S=:HM/A=1853644/rand=836805413> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: DMCForum-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service <> .
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