Re: farts -- you could have an honest to goodness miss. Are running very old ignition components. See what a fresh tune up will do. For fun, check out Autozone's private label #9016 wire set. World's largest umbrella boots. I think they seal out moisture by filling entire plug well with rubber. Same price as Bosch from the vendors (Autozone doesn't even list Bosch #9095), so I can't recommend actually buying. But they are fun to look at. You were probably too rich because of vacuum leaks, and perhaps ignition time too advanced. Bill Robertson #5939 >--- In DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "cruznmd" <racuti1@xxxx> wrote: > Now that my front-end has been fixed I'm back into the engine. > > Martin: You recommended I clean out the distributor and I did so. The > timing mark jumps off the scale between 1600 and 2000 RPM. (I can't > look two places at once). > > I installed the new idle tube O-ring and verified it is sealed. I > sprayed all around the engine (again) and the only leak I could find > was the golf tee I plug the CO screw with. (slight). I fixed this. > > Before repairs I was running around too rich and underpowered. When > warmed up, the engine would idle at 1000/1100 RPM. > > After I put the O ring in and cleaned out the dizzy, I leaned out the > CO screw, checked the timing and made a very minor throttle set screw > adjustment to make the idle perfect. > > Power is MUCH improved. Before, the engine wouldn't rev -under load- > beyond 3500 RPM. Now it'll redline. I feel I have good acceleration > and power. The only thing that bugs me is the engine still "farts" or > pops. It doesn't do it often but it bugs me. I have to find that. > > I am having a hard time figuring out how close I am to having this > right because I've never ridden in a properly running DeLorean under > hard acceleration! It -seems- right but maybe I should have yet more > power....? I need to ride in Mike Cohee's car and have him put his > foot into it. > > I also need someone to ride behind me and tell me if I'm still gassing > people. I can't smell fuel in the exhaust anymore but still... > > Lastly, one more time: What brands of wires can I get that are the > right kind, that are PRE-MADE and have the proper boots on them? I > plan on using Bosch copper plugs and buying a higher voltage coil. > > Thanks, > > Rich > #5335 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT < 6215:HM/A=1784493/R=0/id=noscript/SIG=11q7p9e7k/* m/universal/intolerablecruelty/> < ail/S=:HM/A=1784493/rand=139767640> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: DMCForum-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service <> .
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