Hey, I got it fixed thanks to a suggestion from Gary (checksix3). Somehow the idle speed thermistor got unplugged. That's one of those little sensors on the y-pipe hidden under the intake manifold. I thought it was impossible to reach that thing without taking the whole intake manifold off, but after about 30 minutes of forcing my hand back there and maybe knocking other things loose in the process, I was able to plug it back on. It didn't help that I had previously gooped it up with dielectric grease. Now that I can get it to idle, I could see how crappy it runs when cold. It might have been because the air/fuel mixture was mis-adjusted due to the fast idle. Or maybe I knocked a vacuum hose loose reaching under the manifold. I'll let the engine cool down and check all that. Walt Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT <http://rd.yahoo.com/M=244522.3707890.4968055.1261774/D=egroupweb/S=170512 6215:HM/A=1595055/R=0/SIG=124j83ehr/*http://ashnin.com/clk/muryutaitakenat togyo?YH=3707890&yhad=1595055> Click Here! <http://us.adserver.yahoo.com/l?M=244522.3707890.4968055.1261774/D=egroupm ail/S=:HM/A=1595055/rand=132332345> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: DMCForum-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service <http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/> .
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