Are you referring to the fact that I put a small piece of paper on the windshield to cover up the vulgar signs carefully placed inside Monte's car about me? Hardly destructive Gary. I think I handled myself quite well, and with a lot more dignity than Monte did. I enjoyed pointing out to his peers what sort of person they were dealing with. Think about this Gary.... How a person acts with one person is how he might act with another. What if one day Monte has a disagreement with you. I would imagine you would expect to see a sticker on the car that would read "Gary Weaver sucks XXXX" displayed as he did to me. How would you like your little girl to be examining his car at a show and ask.... "Daddy, what's a XXXX and why are you sucking them?" Think about it. This is who you associate with? Now say what you will about ME, but your whole beef with me is what, that I visit your website uninvited? WTF? Your trying to tell me that you and Monte don't check my site weekly? Your website has become a mirror image of mine Gary, you have re-vamped it to have almost all the same categories and items. When I made my website it was the polar opposite of yours with the exception that they are both BLUE. ...beside the point. far as Monte goes, I have never said or did a negative thing against the man. His ENTIRE beef with me was that I had photos of his car on my website as part of my replica archive, and I wrote glowing things about him, saying he was very talented and had one of the best cars I had seen, etc. I didn't feel I should have to remove them. Now, I have all my own photos of him and his car, including VIDEO that I own and will be posting soon for the world to see. Even with all his shenanigans this week I feel that his car should have won the competition due to accuracy (sorry Oliver). But Oliver really puts on a great show and everyone just loves him. I know I do, he's a great guy, and if he likes me or not I could not tell because unlike Monte he was a perfect gentlemen. If a person is judged on his past and present actions, mine have always been one of an olive branch. I approached both of you with a smile and an outstretched hand. I am always willing to talk things out. I would have been willing to take you both to lunch or to the bar and let you vent your frustrations with me, and would have been willing to work them out and talk to you about them and shake hands like MEN. Instead I got sarcasm and childish behavior and to be honest Gary I am a little disappointed in you. Even with our disagreements I always thought that you at least held a certain amount of dignity and integrity but I feel Monte's actions have besmirched the hobby and good name of the car show with this display of vulgarity. I felt that even most recently you were cooperating to end this silly war between us but now I am not so sure. Listen, there have been times I wanted to get on a plane, fly to New Jersey and strangle Marc Levy but even still we had a laugh together and not one single cross word the entire time, and maybe even gained some respect for each other. (cause that damned water was friggin cold!) There is NO EXCUSE for the way Monte acted, and I call for a petition that he be banned from the show. IN the end, it is you and Monte who lose. I have a lot of great friends in the DeLorean community, a great wife, a great job and a nice home and respect from my peers. The people who don't like me are insecure and jealous and are empty and dead inside and only wish they could enjoy life the way I do on a daily basis. So tonight I am back home and I will enjoy steaks on the grill, a dip in the pool, a soak in the hot tub and a cuddle with the wife. Your stupid vulgar stickers can't take that away from me. - Videobob >From: "Gary Weaver II" <gary@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> >Reply-To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >Subject: [DMCForum] Re: Inappropriate Car Show Behavior? >Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 02:36:02 -0000 > >Hypothetically.... > >What happens if someone had an issue with DMC Florida? Can they just >walk up while no one is watching and put whatever they want on Proto 1? > >Somehow I don't think people would go for that. > >-Gary > > > > ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Yahoo! Groups gets a make over. See the new email design. --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: DMCForum-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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