[DMCForum] Re: DMCForum policy... was: [blank!]
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[DMCForum] Re: DMCForum policy... was: [blank!]
- From: "Flavia" <frvianna@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 05:56:58 -0000
Congratulations, Walt.
The Forum is awesome, a lot of the things people talk about in the
DML are way too technical for me to understand. Still, after going to
TN, I realized how cool the DeLorean people are. As Bob said about
being more intellectual, etc... Yes, I am a geek, so what! I like
intelligent people. Besides that, I had a lot of fun in PF in only 3
Keep up the good work and I hope to meet more of you guys in IL and
this time try to remember more names :)
--- In DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Walter Coe" <Whalt@xxxx> wrote:
> Bob Brandy's said:
> > Thank you for making this a free forum. I really enjoy
> talking to
> DeLorean owners.
> Cool. That is the primary reason for starting this forum.
> I saw the need for a place where DeLorean club-minded people
> could discuss topics online the same way they could while in
> person at a car show.
> I tried to use the DML for this purpose, but the moderators
> saw fit to severely limit topics -- even topics that were
> on topic for their criteria but for whatever reason they
> grew tired of. Many of us wanted to choose for ourselves
> what we wanted to read or not read. The DML moderators
> wanted to make that choice for us. And they wanted that to
> be a clean, neat, safe, predictable, but not necessarily a
> club-like atmosphere.
> I tried to reason with the moderators to support the
> creation of a second forum where they would forward all of
> their rejected contributions. But they would not cooperate.
> Thus I started the DMCForum much to their chagrin. The
> mistake I made (if it were a mistake?) was trying to replace
> the DML entirely. And in retaliation the mistake they made
> was trying to keep knowledge of the existence of the new
> DMCForum away from their flock. But as evidenced by
> everyone's conduct at the last DeLorean Car Show, there are
> no remaining grudges between the DMCForum & DML -- as far as
> I care to recognize anyway.
> In retrospect, this has been an entertaining experiment to
> say the least. For the most part it I think we all agree
> that it has been a success. I am disappointed that we
> didn't get a noticeable increase in membership since making
> our presence known at the last DeLorean Car Show. (However
> my going everywhere barefoot does not always make a good
> impression on everyone.) But then I am not sure what a
> remarkable increase in membership would do to such an
> unmoderated forum. Ultimately we each have a delete button
> and can decide for ourselves what to read. Sure, we are not
> the prettiest place to hold technical discussions. Some of
> the time we make the Jerry Springer show look boring. I
> suppose it is human nature that people will pick fights
> regardless of the setting, and this forum is certainly such
> a place.
> I am disappointed most by people who complain about content.
> Occasional bad content is to be expected from an unmoderated
> forum. If you cant deal with it then concentrate your
> efforts within the confines of what the DML moderators will
> allow on their forum.
> The only time we have banned someone was Claude who
> misrepresented his identity and tried to assume the identity
> of others in some bizarre plot to make it appear he had the
> support & approval of at least one other person besides
> himself. Since then Claude has publicly apologized, and I
> forgive him.
> What I propose for the future policy of the DMCForum is to
> require contributors to use their real names or at a minimum
> to establish only ONE unique alias that would not be easily
> confused with anyone else. Additionally I propose that
> contributions will be limited to people who own DeLoreans or
> who demonstrate a sincere interest in maintaining a
> DeLorean. Contributions will be expected to contain content
> that people would normally discuss as though they were
> attending a car show. Our emphasis is about DeLoreans; tho,
> not strictly limited to the topic of DeLoreans.
> What we will not allow:
> As is the case at car shows, so can it be the case in any
> public discussion forum such as this; there may arise a
> situation were an individual, DeLorean owner or not, will
> initiate confrontations in a manner not conducive to public
> decorum. Such may be excused on occasion so long as said
> offender balances his disruption with useful car-related
> content. If it becomes apparent that any contributor
> establishes a reputation for not being well behaved while
> not balancing said behavior with useful car-related content,
> then we will ban his ass.
> But the ultimate decisions are not up to me alone. There is
> a so-called board of moderators (this is Yahoo's
> nomenclature, not mine!) of the DMCForum that need to agree
> on such things, usually.
> Okay, I'm fru!
> (funny, I used to yell that as a toddler to my mother when I
> was fru doing my business on the potty chair.)
> Walt Tampa, Floridiot
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