alt fuel vehicals WAS: Re: [DMCForum] Re: The economy sucks.
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alt fuel vehicals WAS: Re: [DMCForum] Re: The economy sucks.
- From: Andrei Cular <andreic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:36:40 -0400
A friend of mine was looking in to the hybrid cars and determined if you
do highway driving as part of your commute the savings goes away
quickly. Unlike conventionally powered cars the hybrids gets th best
efficiency in stop and go city traffic.
For his 100+ mile/day commute he went with a diesel jetta and loves it.
And with diesel you can make your own bio or buy bio-diesel at a limited
number of places. for a nice little quick cost comparison take a look
cruznmd wrote:
>You're right of course. I am proving your point. The thing I hate
>about hybrid is how complex it is, having to mate 2 systems together
>instead of a single system using a different power source vs.
>Even so, a study I had read last year when fuel was around 1.30-
>1.50/gallon stated that it would take 15 years of ownership to
>realize the fuel savings over the greater cost of the vehicle. Now
>that oil keeps reaching new highs, and fuel is creeping up over
>$2.00/gallon, that time is now almost cut in half, to 7 years of
>ownership. For me, it is now feasible to own a hybrid car and I am
>looking at them.
>-AND- I take the electric train to work every day, so there. ;-P
>--- In DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Dave Stragand" <dave.stragand@xxxx>
>>For those of you who are so deeply concerned with alternative
>fuels, might I
>>ask which vehicle you drive on a daily basis? Is it a natural gas-
>>vehicle, electric, or gas-electric hybrid? They ARE available
>now... Oh,
>>you don't own one of these alternative fuel vehicles? Why? Oh,
>>they are too expensive and/or inconvenient? Thank you for proving
>my point.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: cruznmd [mailto:racuti1@xxxx]
>>Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:45 AM
>>To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>Subject: [DMCForum] Re: The economy sucks.
>>If I understand what you're saying, you're implying that once oil
>>energy becomes so expensive as to be unprofitable, this will force
>>energy companies to overcome their inertia and develop alternate
>>sources. Just as consumer desire for safer vehicles caused federal
>>mandates which forced auto makers to make more saftey feature
>>standard in cars today.
>>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Andrei Cular
Mechanical Engineer
Marine Concepts inc.
P:239.283.0800 F:239.283.3332
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