Hi all, I'm selling up. No great secret of course but I'll explain why.. I cannot bring myself to modify Hana - she's way too straight a car to start butchering. However, I *can* modify a non-runner and so I'll do that. Just found a picture (it's in the Photos section as "Big wheels") - That car has 19 inch wheels rear and 18 inch wheels front. My kinda DeLorean. Couple that with a turbo charged engine of sorts or a light V8 and we're on our way.... The link is below: http://photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/doc- uk/vwp?.dir=/&.src=gr&.dnm=Big+wheels!.jpg&.view=t&.done=http% 3a//photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/doc-uk/lst%3f%26.dir=/%26.src=gr% 26.view=t I reckon it'll be great! I know I'll annoy some enthusiasts but I promise not to touch a nice one! LOL Dan