RE: [doc] LEDs
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RE: [doc] LEDs

It is just as easy as changing the filament bulbs...
as soon as you get the correct type :) (but may be a
little bit more tricky if your car has those new
'computerised' bulb checking system)

You will probably need a new flasher unit for the
indicator lights, as the filament flashers works with
a specific range of current... and the LED bulbs
simply draws too little, ending up flashing million
times a second. But changing the flasher relay is an
easy job too, so don't worry!

John Tien

--- Mike Sumner <mikebmw316@xxxxxxxxxxx> »¡¡G

> Evening all,
>   I'll apolgise in advance because this isn't
> strictly DeLorean related, but I was wondering if
> someone could tell me how easy/difficult it is to
> change from bulbs to LEDs in the tail lights of a
> car.
>   I know Phil Wright has done it with his "Sorbet",
> but I don't want to get into something I won't be
> able to do.
>   It doesn't matter if ti will be too hard to bother
> with but I thought I'd ask because it would update
> the arse-end of my car.
>   I've got a Beemer coupe which I think will cause a
> problem because they have a pesky "Check Control"
> system that always affects anything you try to do
> involving the lights.
>   Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
>   Regards,
>   Mike Sumner - 178

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