Re: [doc] Re: Delorean doors up up and away
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Re: [doc] Re: Delorean doors up up and away
- From: "Christopher Hawes" <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 15:26:17 -0000
The last thing I heard about this is that the doors aloft thing is a grey
area as far as the law is concerned. It would be down to officer discretion
as she/he could sling anything at you for it... I personally have driven on
the motorway (smooth flat road) at speeds of around 50mph with no problems.
Wouldn't want to test the Police on doing it though...
Speed isn't a factor, it is the smoothness of the road surface that should
determine if you want to drive with your doors up!!!
Chris Hawes
Doc 138
vin 5255
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Tien" <johntien99@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: [doc] Re: Delorean Press
> Hi Colm,
> I drove my D back home with doors open and went pass a
> police van (with policemen in it of coz!) and they
> seems to show interest rather than hint of trying to
> get me a fine for driving with doors improperly
> closed!!
> Perhaps I was just lucky?
> Regards,
> John Tien
> DOC 8
> RHD 3046
> --- colmnugent <colm.nugent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I suspect it's because the in the original batch of
>> cars the doors
>> were hung manually and the seals were fitted by the
>> workforce who
>> were at that stage still on a steep learning curve -
>> I mean where do
>> you get previous experience of fitting a gull-wing
>> door? As the
>> process became mechanised, the door fitting problem
>> faded but by
>> then the initial PR damage had been done.
>> As an aside, I was wondering if anyone knew whether
>> it was lawful or
>> unlawful to drive the car on the public road with
>> the doors in the
>> opened position?
>> Obviously, you need to do so slowly and on a calm
>> day, but I just
>> wondered... The BMW Z1's doors drop into the
>> bodywork and this does
>> not appear to be illegal.
>> Colm
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