Good morning list! I'm sure Chris Parnham has got a list of all cars, vins and owners? All he'd need to do is put a note in the next mag or newsletter asking if anyone objects to their car being put on the list. I think (from personal experience) my concern would be security if you revealed too much detail their cars owners and locations, but I'm sure common sense would prevail here. Some of you may remember that we pulled our website last year following comments and threats from a visitor to our site. Claire #2292 'Flopsy' ----- Original Message ----- From: Kevins Work To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 10:08 AM Subject: RE: [doc] Directory Hi Paul Sounds like a good Idea to to have Delorean Owners register , the details should also go on the main Delorean web site as well. What is the latest status of people going to Shuttleworth. Regards Kevin #5959 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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