Hi all, Having not touched my Hana since the Isle of Wight trip.. and having nothing else to drive at all, I thought I'd take advantage of the dry clear weather and take her out for a spin. Of course the battery was a little low but she started first time without a grumble. I left her running for a good 20 mins before taking her anywhere while she cleared her throat and warmed up. Quite how a 21 year old car does this while being stored outside is beyond me but it just proves that DeLorean are made of tough stuff (even if they do have the silliest problems). The ride was full of the moans and groans that I had forgotten about while driving my much newer car about - but she still surprises me today with the ride quality and general all round build quality. She's back in bed now. Weather permitting I'll take out at the weekend but tax is due at the end of the month and I think with the other car dead Hana will have to for-go tax this time round :o( Lets all hope for a mild winter! Dan Vin#5284 - Hana (warmer than I am!)
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