Not sure what you are going on about - AFAIK the backlights are all the same. There are 4 small bulbs which mount to the bracket and illuminate AC lights and the writing around the AC control knob. THere are three bulbs recessed directly into the panel for the defrost screen, Lock doors, and fan fail. Some panels don't have the writing on them (remember the stock wiring lights up the panel with ignition). To remove the panel, you need to pull off the knobs for the fan speed, temperature and AC. Under the AC knob there's a single screw which holds the panel in place. With that removed, it just pulls forward (watch out for the 3 bulbs at the bottom). Disclaimer: This is from memory - I may have missed something. Martin Original Message: ----------------- From: Johnstone Richard richard.johnstone@xxxx Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 11:47:54 +0100 To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: [doc] Re: A/C control panel decal Sorry, Yahoo made a spectacular mess up of my message then. Try copying this link to the browser instead. It was only picture I sent link to anyway. If link doesn't work, just login to Yahoo groups, then photos section of our group. I'll email it if needs be, was just trying to let anyone interested see without clogging inboxes. on #2727 I'm not sure what the decals look like. From what I remember the console on that one has 2 or 3 small bulbs as a backlight, not sure how effective it is though with small bulbs. .jpg&.view=t&.done Rich -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at .
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