Marin you're absaloutly correct I am trying to get a few cans/Cases In the process of doing a deal with the supplier, Watch this space. Cheers Paul --- Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxx> wrote: <HR> <html><body> <tt> Hi James<BR> <BR> Your indicator problems are almost certainly caused by the tail light <BR> boards, however you don't state whether it's only one side that's <BR> affected. If it's both, does it also occur with the hazard lights?<BR> <BR> You may have cleaned the internals of the switch, and maybe the spade <BR> terminals underneath, but the smell is most likely coming from the plug <BR> that goes onto the switch. Use a small needle file and roughen up the <BR> terminals in the plug as best you can. The motor is in the door - if the <BR> smell comes from the centre console, the motor ain't the problem.<BR> <BR> If you get the chance to see Ian Titley's car, that's a good example of <BR> the original grain. Mine too still exhibits some of the "stripeyness" <BR> many cars left the factory with. NB they shouldn't have! according to <BR> Mike Loasby, they should have had a crisp sheen to them, which is <BR> achieved by sandpaper of anything over 80 grit. Coarse scotch-brite will <BR> do the same job (never use steel wool). If you balls it up, just go over <BR> it again - there's not a lot of mistakes you can actually make which <BR> will cause no more problems that wasting time! Just remember not to push <BR> hard on the bonnet when you're brushing it.<BR> <BR> My favourite product, which made a real difference to my car, was a can <BR> of stainless steel cleaner/polisher that Paul Salsbury discovered. Paul, <BR> weren't you going to get a few cans?<BR> <BR> Martin<BR> #1458<BR> <BR> james_hartshorn_uk wrote:<BR> <BR> >Wondering if anyone has come across any of these problems...<BR> ><BR> >If I switch on an indicator and press the footbrake the indicator <BR> >stops flashing (indicator bulb goes out) release the footbrake and <BR> >flashing returns, I can put all the lights on and even select reverse <BR> >with no flashing problems, only happens with the footbrake.<BR> ><BR> >Also I freed off my drivers window motor a while back, I also <BR> >disassembled my window switches to clean them up like new as they <BR> >were corroded, the windows work fine, but I get a strange smoky smell <BR> >from the drivers switch when I operate it, I've tried swapping<BR> >the <BR> >switches over and it still does it (only the drivers side) also I <BR> >felt the wiring below the switch to see if it gets warm, but it <BR> >doesn't, it all works fine, it's just the smoky smell that<BR> >worries <BR> >me, the only thing I can think of is it's the motor.<BR> ><BR> >Finally I went over to see my friend who's just purchased the <BR> >expensive Scottish Delorean that was for sale, it drives like a new <BR> >car, beautiful, I noticed the bodywork is finished with a very matt <BR> >look, I've polished mine up, but was wondering what the correct<BR> >look <BR> >should be, I saw an article on the web on how to clean the Stainless <BR> >and suggests a rough scotch-brite pad, my local B&Q stock Scotch-<BR> >brite pads and the roughest is for metal finishing, I bought all the <BR> >grades they stock!), is this the best pad I can use or does anyone <BR> >know of anything better, it also suggests that I use 3M Stainless <BR> >cleaner to work in with the pad and a procedure to get the best <BR> >results, has anyone tried this and did they have pleasing results?<BR> ><BR> >I've seen the Deloreans on the NEC stands before and wondered<BR> >what <BR> >they do to polish theirs apart from using original Mr Sheen!<BR> ><BR> >James Vin #569<BR> ><BR> ><BR> ><BR> ><BR> >DOC UK Website:<BR> >Unsubscribe: doc-uk-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<BR> >** Unless otherwise stated, all messages posted to the group are assumed public and may be printed in the club magazine ** <BR> ><BR> >Your use of Yahoo! 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