At the diesel centre, they've just been reading off the numbers on the
existing stuff on my car and ringing up their suppliers - absolutely no
trouble at all on the standard service items. Going on the link I sent
you, all the Bosch numbers are valid over here.
It's a shame you'll not be at the NEC Sunday because the two mechanics (Jason and Terry) are coming to the show - to pick some brains and get an idea of the sort of work that they could offer. (BTW I have nothing to gain for pushing the DC - I've just been a long time customer and they've always done me proud. I'd like to see more D's go there becuase I know they'll do a good job and the prices are great. They do credit card orders and can send stuff out if you like) Martin Matthew Wennington wrote: Quite Simply, is there a parts list for the Delorean that would allow me or my mechanic to get the parts I need when the car is being serviced etc?. I just drive the thing! (and get stared at all the time!).--------------70782A566923F8A4B5E73977 Content-Type: image/gif Content-ID: |
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