RE: [doc] 25th Celebrations/ Lotus06.
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RE: [doc] 25th Celebrations/ Lotus06.
- From: Thomas Mc Auley <dmc4087@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 00:07:52 +0100 (BST)
Hi Chris,
I didn't know there was a DOI ! Although I always thought there was enough owners here to create a small club (being around 50 cars), but I always thought it just would have added divisions and all the fun that goes with that.
Would the doc-uk ever change to doc-europe? Just a thought
chrisparnham <secretary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Don?t worry, All the details of both events will doubtless be revealed
in the fullness of time, including costs. Its too early to tell yet.
As a DeLorean owner?In Ireland, I presume you are automatically a member
of the DOI.
?Some? members of the DOC will doubtless be invited.
As the last effort was a joint affair with Dave Howarth then filling the
role of Treasurer of the DOA and DOC, things got a bit complicated, but
I understand when all the bills were paid, there was a very small
surplus of about £35.00. This is after many thousands of pounds had
been handled.
We are pressing ahead with our 60? X 8? video show wall, which will be
ready for our future car shows. This will be paid for out this current
years subs. We have just taken delivery of ( and paid for) 2000 club
stickers, which all members will receive 2 off, free when they next
Considering all this, the DOC finances are fine, in fact, to have a
surplus at this time of year is unusual. All will be published in the
minutes of our AGM.
Chris Parnham
Vins 5638 & 20049
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Mc Auley [mailto:dmc4087@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 26 October 2004 10:02
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [doc] 25th Celebrations/ Lotus06.
So, does this mean that only a few DMC owners in England will be
invited? There are benefits with the DOA organising it Chris, because
then you can enjoy the event without worrying about everything running
smoothly etc! I do not know what the club finances are, did they get
posted on this list? It does seem a bit insulting to the club, saying
that we dont have enough finances. May I ask how much the last Eurofest
Sorry for all the questions!
Thomas Mc Auley
Vin 4087
Chris Parnham <secretary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Basically the American based "DOA" has in the passed, organised
"Euro-fest". The DOC fully participated last time and it was a "duel
event". This time things will be different. As the DOA's membership
numbers have dramatically reduced in the last few years and ours have
grown, for reasons best known to them selves, the DOA has deliberately
"side lined" the DOC. Or as the DOA's man in N.I. put it:......
"Eurofest 2006 is sponsored by the DOA and run in partnership with
DeLorean Owners in Ireland" (DOI)..... "Frankly, DOC don't have the
necessary finance to merit a partnership"......"There are sufficient
Owners in Ireland to run the event"..."Many of my old friends in the DOC
will be invited, if they decide not to attend then that's their
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