Re: [doc] BTTF video games
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Re: [doc] BTTF video games
- From: "Troy Knight" <dmc.knight@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 22:15:01 +0100
cool, so are you a retro gamer? coz I've still got my old SEGA master system and master system2 and the old SEGA Game Gear.
----- Original Message -----
From: Stuart Dyke
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [doc] BTTF video games
I still have my sinclair spectrum from when i was a kid and with it
the BTTF games, they were not very good and by todays standards they
would be completely appauling!! They were and are still playable
although it aint been out of the loft for a few years!!
--- In doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Troy Knight" <dmc.knight@xxxx> wrote:
> Thank you, I'll give Peter that info thank you.
> Troy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Colm Nugent
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:40 PM
> Subject: RE: [doc] BTTF video games
> Troy,
> There's a very substantial BTTF tribute site (the name of which
escapes me,
> but Google will find it) from which you can download these games
(for free).
> They are fairly quick if you have broadband or similar. The site
> carries enough stuff to keep any BTTF anorak in heaven for a long
> Colm
> 411
> [Colm Nugent] -----Original Message-----
> From: Troy Knight [mailto:dmc.knight@xxxx]
> Sent: 27 August 2004 20:37
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [doc] BTTF video games
> A friend of mine is thinking about joining the owners club
because he
> loves
> bttf and we were thinking about how cool it would be to make a
bttf game,
> but then I remebered that people have told me that there were
some very
> early etemps on the SEGA Genises and the Super Nintendo, I've
never seen
> these games but loads of people have told me about them but
most of those
> people say that they were no good, has any one in the owners
club ever
> played those games?
> :-)
> Your Pal
> Troy
> dmc.knight@xxxx
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