RE: [doc] Re: What's up DOC!
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RE: [doc] Re: What's up DOC!
- From: "Richard" <dickyh11@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 21:23:53 +0100
Hi Alan
12th is the Isle of Wight classic show.......
Rich H
DOC 365 VIN 1274
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Hammond [mailto:vin569@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 21 August 2004 5:40 PM
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [doc] Re: What's up DOC!
> HI all,
> Had a big problem with my old computer and couldn`t get online....Iv`e
> changed to a new laptop computer... and can now email etc from the
> of Smokeys leather seats!!!!!!.. :o)
> Hi Stuart.. hope your ok...hows weewee!.
> at the moment I have had members coming to see Smokey in odds and
sods, I
> thought it would be fun for a big meet up. I know that some members
> without cars (for the moment) have felt silly for asking to sit in
> members De Lorean at some of the shows, I know that I was the same
> Chrispy let me sit in Dusty, I would like to do the same for members
> without cars in East Anglia..
> I have about 9 members who are interested, possibly 4 cars which could
> turn up....
> if I said about having a meet for the 12th of september, what would
> members think (time to clear you diary!!) Thats a Sunday by the way,
> suffolk area (Nr Coddenham)
> I can sort out some food and drink if enough people are interested
> I know that a few members have been before, but it would give them the
> chance to meet other members in the EA area
> Oh and thanks for the kind words in your last email Chrispy
> All the best,
> Alan Hammond and Smokey (which I`m sitting in at the moment)
> saalexander2000 <stuartalexander@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey All,
> At an Internet Cafe in sunny KwaZulu-Natal at the moment but I'll be
> back next week. An East Anglia meet sounds great - cant wait to see
> the result of Alan's efforts. Early september would be good for me.
> Stuart
> 16686
> --- In doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Carl Hammond <carlhammonddoc@xxxx>
> wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > This is my first post on the newsgroup, even though I've been a
> member for over a year now! What a great club it is to, even though I
> don't yet own a Delorean, being part of this club is the next best
> thing and helps me along the way until I finally get that stainless
> car of my dreams! My wife and I came along to Gaydon earlier this
> year and had a fantastic day out. I couldn't contain my excitement as
> I've never seen so many D's in one place! Now we can't wait for the
> NEC. Chris, it was nice to see you again at Gaydon, and look forward
> to seeing you again in Oct. Also a big thanks to Claire Usher, as you
> managed to do the impossible & convince my wife (Alex) that getting a
> D is the way to go! She absolutely loves the idea now, and no sooner
> had she sat in Stuart Alexander's Delorean 'wee wee' (which also
> happened to be the same car that took me to the church for my
> wedding) she was hooked! So Stu I guess that 'wee wee' is destined to
> be our car now, don't you think!?! Alan, Hi hows
> > it goin, when you want to do this local DOC meeting let us know,
> I'll feel a bit like the odd one out without a D, but I can always
> bring my 1/18th versions!!!
> >
> > All the best
> >
> > Carl Hammond - DOC 361
> >
> >
> >
> >
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