[doc] Re: V55 - a cry for (a little) help
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[doc] Re: V55 - a cry for (a little) help
- From: "Mike" <mike.bosworth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 21:35:30 -0000
Answeres after questions:-
--- In doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Colm Nugent" <colm.nugent@xxxx>
> Mike (or anyone else who knows),
> Two specific queries for the form-a-phobic amongst us:
> Q40 - "year of first registration"
> Is this the year it was registered in the US (presumably 1981) or
the year
> it was registered in the UK (presumably 2004)?
yes: First registration is 1981 in your case
> Q44 - "is this vehicle exempt from type approval, please give full
reason of
> exemption".
> I understand the answer is yes, it is exempt (but I may be wrong) -
> why - is it simply because it is a 1981 car?
yes : because its over 10 years old
> With deep gratitude
> Colm
> PS: will the DVLA accept a cover note as insurance proof or do
they want the
> full certificate?
yes cover notes fine
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike [mailto:mike.bosworth@xxxx]
> Sent: 07 August 2004 19:02
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [doc] Re: V55 - a cry for help
> Colm
> Most of that stuff is just crap and you dont have to fill any of
> in in fact i just filled in the very few bits i could and left
> the stuff about weights lengths and power etc, most of the stuff
> they need is in the top left of the form anyway .
> I took mine in to the local DVLA office and they checked through
> with me anyway , just make sure when you go to take every thing
> wirth you inc a utility bill and passport etc they even need
> too.... oh and get there early it was heaving as i left and they
> sent our my reg the same day!
> Any probs give me a call on 07779 081368
> Mike
> #2001.... Dan.. Dan Delorean (As my 8 year old keeps
singing :) )
> doc403
> VRH 232W....(DMC 1V ....wish :)
> --- In doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Colm Nugent" <colm.nugent@xxxx>
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I'm trying to register #5706 in the UK fresh from the boat.
> have sent
> > me the V55 form and it may as well be in Chinese! I'm not
going to
> bore
> > everyone with the large quantity of the 50-odd questions I
> answer, but
> > we must have a lot of V55 veterans in the club.
> >
> > Some of the questions, I just have not a clue - max net power?
> euro status
> > directive number? drive by sound level? Where does one find
> sort of
> > info?
> >
> > Yours in grateful anticipation
> >
> > Colm
> >
> > PS: who in the club snapped up plate DMC 1V last week?
> >
> >
> > ---
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