Re: [doc]
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Re: [doc]
- From: "Stuart Dyke" <stuartdyke99@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 06 Aug 2004 20:06:34 -0000
Hi Dean,
Im interested in taking part of the Delorean hire scheme, just let me
know what i have to do!
Personally i would rather there be a fixed price accross the board
for time and type of appearance and then have it down to the owner to
quote for the travel expense ie price per mile travelled.
--- In doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Dean Mitchell" <deanscheme@xxxx>
> Dear guys,
> Thanks for the interest so far for being members of www.Delorean-
> In order to make the site run for as little cost as possible, i'd
like as
> many members as possible to reduce the advertising cost; i'm
thinking along
> the lines of advertisers on the site have the same amount of
pictures and
> details about their car:
> E.G:
> 1. Possibly 2 External Shots and 1 Interior Shot of their car.
> 2. Mileage (To the nearest 1000) at the time of advertising.
> 3. Interior Colour.
> 4. Location based in the country.
> 5. Prepared to work in an ??? Mile Radius from their home.
> 6. Direct Contact Details.
> Equal info about all cars so that the client could choose who he
wants a
> quote from.
> You could even specifiy if you are prepared to take passengers
anywhere (i.e
> Grooms to the Church) or if you will only do personal appearances.
> With Direct Contact Details your contract would be directly with
the hirer.
> They would contact you for a quote to do the job via email or an
> form. You would quote them, then they would Print off an online
form and
> manually fill it in posting it direct to your home address with a
> non-refundable deposit with the balance due on arrival of the job.
> I'm not interested in making any money out of this site..... just a
> one-stop-shop for us to make some money and to cut out any middle
> wanting to take a percentage. I want to run the site pratically at
cost so
> the more people wanting to join, the cheaper it will be. I'm
thinking £10 a
> year.
> Beleive me, i'm a Full-Time Film Extra and as soon as the car hire
> found out what i'd bought they were all over me like a rash to sign
up with
> them. Interestingly I had a particuarly time-travel orientated
day. Last
> Thursday I picked up my D from Southampton, got back to
Peterborough and
> then straight down to London for a night shoot on Dr Who..... and
Yes, The
> Tardis was there.
> Job Pricing wise could either be left up to you, the individual,
> on where the client is and how long they want you for.... or we
could have a
> fixed price for everyone across the board so that no one would
> anyone else..... the choice is yours.
> Any further thoughts and interest let me know what you think of it
so far:
> Deanscheme@xxxx
> >From: "Dean Mitchell" <deanscheme@xxxx>
> >Reply-To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: [doc]
> >Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 22:10:59 +0100
> >
> >Dear Members;
> >
> > has been reserved:
> >
> >The aim of this site is to be a collective of Delorean Owners to
hire out
> >there cars for public appearances.
> >
> >How the site is designed would be decided by the majority but
> >everyone who wants to be on the site will have a standard set of
pics of
> >their car:
> >
> >You would also specify what areas of the country you are prepared
to work
> >in:
> >
> >Pricing could be worked out at a fixed fee across the board for
any event,
> >for a maximum set number of hours with perhaps travel to a
location on a
> >pence per mile rate.
> >
> >The hire would be for the Car and Driver - Not for anyone else to
> >your
> >car!
> >
> >For events such as;
> >Film Fairs
> >Get the Groom to the church 'On-Time'
> >Public appearances
> >Filming (Which you haven't been charging for)
> >And anything to draw in a crowd
> >
> >The site could be either run on a small commission from the
booking fee
> >taken by me, or the contract could be direct between the owner and
> >hirer
> >but that would then involve a small advertising cost (Enough to
cover the
> >site running costs).... The majority can decide.
> >
> >If interested in letting your DeLorean work for you email me at
> >Deanscheme@xxxx
> >
> >It would be good to have a one-stop-shop for promoting our cars.
> >
> >This idea is open to suggestions, either direct to me or on the
> >
> >Dean #4986.
> >
> >_________________________________________________________________
> >Express yourself with cool new emoticons
> >
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
> Use MSN Messenger to send music and pics to your friends
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