Re: [doc] Smokey: we have ignition. EA meeting?
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Re: [doc] Smokey: we have ignition. EA meeting?
- From: Alex Gant <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 21:33:30 +0100
Count me in for an East Anglian meet up, sounds cool. Might be able to
bring my own gullwing along.
Sadly not a DMC though, as funds still don't allow for one and I don't
think my own technical talents are up to the job! Will hopefully have
my Toyota Sera within the next few weeks though so may be able to bring
it along - MOT allowing and all.
I will speak to James (P) about it. I'm sure he'd be keen. He's been
along to Gaydon before and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Talking of which, did any of you DOC-ers hear anything about the
helicopter that crashed at Gaydon during Sports Car sunday? It must
have been the 2002 event as there wasn't a Super Car event last year
was there?
It was pretty freaky and occurred in the top parking field, near the
roundabout at the top of the strip. The chopper was hovering for quite
a while and then just clipped a tree. The pilot obviously jerked
slightly to move away from the tree but it was just enough that the
main rotor struck the ground. This then shattered the rotors (the
shards of which went flinging off in every direction) and the chopper
crashed into the ground and set alight.
It seemed like everyone got out of the chopper ok but we never heard
anything else about it. Did anyone else witness it? Alan, ask James
about it. He was in the loo at the time but witnessed the aftermath.
-Alex Gant (#206)
(Maroon Astra. Not sure of the VIN off hand)
On Thursday, Jul 29, 2004, at 19:33 Europe/London, Alan Hammond wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for the kind words..... I got there in the end. I tried the car
> again last night, and she starts first time (hot and cold).
> next step is to sort out the insurance (Smokey is not covered at the
> moment :o( )
> now Smokey is running and can be extracted out of the shed, I am
> thinking about sorting out an east anglian meet sometime. I thought
> about contacting the following:
> 1- Alex gant and your mate James
> 2- Carl Hammond + friends, family etc
> 3-Carls mate james + friends etc
> 4- James Grant and his DMC ( interested James?)
> Any others interested?...... just an idea lads!...
> seeing that Carls in Norfolk and James Grants in Essex, we could meet
> up at mine (as Suffolks in the middle of things!).
> tell me what ya think?.
> all the best
> Alan and Smokey (vin 569)
> Alex Gant <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Alan.
> Just to say many congrats on getting Smokey up and running. It seems
> like you've put tons on hard graft into the project and finally the
> reward is coming your way.
> Smokey is a real beauty of a DeLorean and I can't say that I'm
> surprised to hear that everything seems to be working now. It should
> do, the amount of effort you've put into her (him?).
> Now that the smoke seems to be a thing of the past I think you should
> rename the D. I think Shiney would be quite apt as it's a real gleamer.
> Failing that, you could follow the rather Prince-esque theme and move
> to 'The vehicle formally known as...Smokey'.
> Anyway, well done mate on getting vin 569 lookin' so darn fine!
> Regards,
> Alex.
> On Tuesday, Jul 27, 2004, at 21:23 Europe/London, Alan Hammond wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> It felt like I had got in the first De Lorean that came off the
>> production line last night, I got in Smokey "turned the key and Bang
>> away she went".... Smokey was up and running!!
>> well after nearly 2 years in a shed , Smokey was started last night
>> and driven out into the open air!!!!. the engine sounds lovely and
>> started first time, after the waxoil on the engine set and the waxoil
>> fumes cleared I topped up the coolant (bleed kit fitted) then the fans
>> engaged at the correct temp which is a first as Smokey had an upside
>> down thermostat fitted when I got it which was not good!!....
>> all the running lights worked and she looked and sounded great!!!!!
>> (with not a trace of smoke from under the dash, all sorted!!!). the
>> engine ran evenly and no smoke from the exhaust. all dash instruments
>> working fine..... very surprised!!
>> Looks like I have won the battle to get this car sorted at last!!
>> just Tracking to do and a few small cosmetic jobs and Smokey`s on the
>> road!!!!!
>> Just thought you guys would want to know that another De Lorean is
>> back up and running!!!!........just need an MOT now!..
>> Alan ( a very happy De Lorean owner) and Smokey (vin 569, up and
>> running with no smoke!!)
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