This Saturday!
Subject: LINY~DMCRoad Rally
and Dinner 2nd request
TheLong Island ~ New York DeLorean Motor Club InvitesYou To
Its Seventh Annual Road Rally and Dinner
When: Saturday, July 18th, 2015
Where: Starting (and ending) in Huntington Station, NY
What: Light lunch courtesy of Tom and Donna Neiland @ Noon
This year the Road Rally will be a bit easier but no less full of fun, so leave your scientific calculators at home.
You have the right to bring a Navigator. If you cannot afford a Navigator, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?
Dinner around 5-6pm courtesy of Tom and Donna Neiland.
If you don't have a DeLorean (how sad), you can be a Navigator or drive the Rally in something more mundane
Cost: Road Rally, free as usual!
Please RSVP ASAP and let us know if you are bringing your own Navigator so we can get this set up.
Looking forward to seeing you all, Dave and Tom
doctordhd at aol dot com