I took my 83 Delorean out for a spin yesterday after a long winter's hibernation. I drove about 6 or 7 miles at speeds around 35 to 45 MPH and the car performed fine. When I accelerated to merge on to a 4 lane highway the speedometer started swing back and forth wildly with 10 to 15 MPH variations. It seemed to be more stable in second gear however at low speeds it would drop to zero in 1st. In 3rd or 4th gear it swing back and forth wildly. I thought I detected a slight periodic noise coming the left front tire area when accelerating after making a low speed turn. Has anyone experienced this problem and been able to successfully correct it? My Delorean has the Island Turbo setup with a 160 speedometer I am not sure if the after market speedo mod is the problem or not. I have had the car
for about 14 years and I have never encountered this particular issue before.