Hello Adam,My first DeLorean was driven on the salted WV roads before I purchased it. When I sent it to be restored, the frame was too far gone to refurbish.
Based on that experience, I would only drive a stainless frame DeLorean on winter roads. I have doubts that there is any procedure that will effectively remove road salts from all areas of the frame. As for coatings, this topic has been discussed before numerous times and based upon those discussions I again have doubts that there is a system that will protect all areas of the frame. There are many rust prone areas of the frame that are impossible to get to with coatings.I will be interested in hearing from others who may be of more help to you.Rod10921Sent from my iPadThanks again,Hi all,I'm looking to continue driving the D during the winter (NY/NJ area) where roads are frequently salted. What is the best way to prevent corrosion/rust of the car (short of hosing it off every time I drive)? Is there a commercial undercoating that a mechanic can apply that does not involve any major work (i.e., removing the frame) or another type of undercarriage sealant/service you would recommend?