Ken K made the announcement and we now know the next DCS show in 2008 will be held in Gettysburg, PA. What Ken did NOT tell everyone, or if he did I sure missed it, is that we all need to start making room reservations NOW for this event. And there are a few good reasons to do so. First, the Eisenhower Hotel and Resort is the place Ken has chosen for this event. It is located about 4-5 miles outside of Gettysburg on a quiet 2 lane country highway, very much different then the 6 lanes of traffic we had roaring past at PR. The entire complex is set back off the highway with a winding drive up to the main hotel unit, called Eisenhower 1. Next to the main hotel unit is a second hotel unit connected by an enclosed walkway that is called Eisenhower 2. Located on the other side of this complex is the convention center and events complex, which is about twice the size of the expo center we had at PR. It's a fantastic complex which even includes 2 very nice outdoor go-kart tracks and a lake with paddle boats. Based on what little info I have given here, you can see the Eisenhower Resort is an excellent facility for DCS-08. Now, what Ken did NOT tell everyone was, right now the resort has agreed to block out one of the main hotel units for him/us. This equals half the resort, or about 150 rooms. They have also agreed that if Ken can get us to call and reserve 80% of the first hotel unit, they will then block out the second hotel unit for our event. What this means is if we, the Delorean community, will call and place reservations for rooms NOW for this event, Ken can end up with the entire complex, including the convention center, for DCS-08. And if we do this NOW it will assist Ken in ways none of us can imagine, including saving all of US money to attend. If Ken fills the entire complex, he is then in a much better position to work with the motel management when determining items like meal costs and entertainment expenses and even go-kart rental rates. By having the entire complex to work with, he also has a lot more flexibility when it comes to even the simplest stuff, like parking locations for our cars. It will give him the opportunity to do more for this event then he has ever had in the past, which will end up meaning more for us, the participants. And the really simple thing is it costs us, the Delorean community, nothing to accomplish this. All you have to do is pick up the phone, call the Eisenhower at 1-800-776-8349 and make a reservation for the DCS event for June12th-14th, 2008. Your credit card will not be billed and you can cancel the room any time up to 48 hours before arrival. Heck, the credit card I gave them even expires before 2008, but they accepted the reservation with no problems. We need to fill the first unit so Ken can have access to the second motel unit and the entire complex, and all it takes is a quick call. Ken spoke at PR about the show being just about maxed out, from the standpoint of what he could handle. This show has grown larger every time it happens, and it appears it has just about reached it's, or I should say Ken's limits. Randal Brown spoke about the Delorean community and it's various clubs getting more involved to assist Ken with these events, and I agree this is something we need to do if we want to continue with these shows. Making a room reservation NOW is one of the biggest and best things you can do to help this process get started. And like I said, it costs you nothing but a couple minutes of your time and if, for some reason, it ends up working out you don't make it to DCS-08, all you need to do is make another phone call and cancel. But you still end up greatly helping the Delorean community out by having made the first call to make the reservations. Eisenhower Hotel and Resort 1-800-776-8349 DCS-08 June 12th (Thursday) thru June 14th (Saturday) 2008 Also, just an FYI - did anybody know that there were a couple of envelopes that Ken had taped to the bottom of the chairs at PR in the expo center, one with a hundred dollar bill in it ? Did anybody go home $100 richer ??? Marty Maier [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see To search the archives or view files, log in at Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: dmcnews-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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