[DML] DeLorean Car Show
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[DML] DeLorean Car Show

Just wanted to pass on one thought on the show that came to me by a private  
I do share the operations of the show with you in hopes you get an  
understanding on what it takes to put this show on.  I do not have to  and no other 
group does.  My books have always been open and were on  display at PF and I 
usually bring it to club events.  This helps me run a  more efficient show 
One Person asked me to change the way I charge and do it all Ala  Carte.
As you know the DOA does this and I love their events but I do pick and  
choose what I do because of cost.  So I do not attend everything.  And  they have 
the people to staff it.
The problem I have with an Ala Carte event is then I have to break down the  
event into mini events.  It involves more staff (have to take tickets at  each 
venue as well) and gets into a lot more paperwork on my end. Less free  
movement for you as well.
I also think the owners loose out
Are you willing to pay $10 for a T-shirt instead of having it avail  free??  
(early registration) 
Would you pay extra for the Pins
Would you pay extra for the tech sessions
Would you pay extra for the parts sales
Would you pay extra for the car show itself.
The answer is some would and some would not.
And the overall cost of the show would go up as less people would attend  
each event.
This show has grown partially because it is easy to register and still  
It still cost over $30 a plate (plus tax) for a dinner at a convention  hall.
If you think it does not then try to get a dinner quote from Pheasant Run  
for under $45.
That is where their basic meal is (with volume there is some give and  take)
Even Pigeon Forge was $25 min.(no tax at this event in TN)
Add to that the fact we need a place for the cars ( thousands here  
convention center and tents) 
The stage is extra
Tents are extra
Tables and chairs are extra
And What about drinks we do supply free beverages (non alchohlic) 
Free breakfast at PF (in the convention center)
So breaking this down and having lower attendance actually is of no  benefit.
I have heard people say why should I pay $50 for a meal
You are not there is all  of the above plus I have to pay for speakers  and 
entertainment and and and.
So I could charge $35 for the meal (plus tax)
$50 for registration fee (as I have seen at some functions already) 
$10 per shirt
$3.00 per pin
$15 per parts sale
$15 for seminars 
$10 for beverages
$8 breakfast
and as you see the reason the price is higher is because you now have to  
select to stay in a budget.
Less people at the vendor sales and tech sessions means they are less  likely 
to make money and less likely to return if sales are off.
I will sell less shirts so it will not offset the meals and free  t-shirts 
and I will have to charge more per person since the overhead costs  are divided 
per person (it has to get paid for somehow)
I like the method of a set price for the meal that includes everything for  
the evening.
the registration fee could be divided over the meals but I do need some  cash 
to operate up front. (name tags and items like that do cost (thanks  3M)).
The purpose of this e-mail is not to justify cost since I am going to  charge 
what it cost to put this show on since I have no choice but it is in my  
opinion a much better value if more people are able to attend everything.
Cost at this show cannot be a major factor at over 500 so I think pricing  is 
still working.
The only change I will instill in the next show because of the number of  
people is that I have had problems with seating since I have a set number of  
paid guest for dinner.  There are some that come only for the entertainment  and 
do not get dinner and the past two shows this number has grown.
After the show ends at 5:00 we will clear out the conference center and you  
will need a dinner ticket to come back in.  It cost me $200 to set up more  
tables at PF.  
We have all age groups from 16 to (help me Murray 86?) coming.
The number of tech sessions has increased dramatically from the first  show.
And a lot more has happened with the show.
Room costs have gone up, entertainment has gone up, food has gone up, 
but the cost of this show has stayed relatively flat over the years.
The unexpected costs and cost overruns have been paid by the raffles.  
There are a lot of so called Free bees since the structure works at this  
I can deal better and not get stuck in a detail oriented event.  So  you get 
the savings and can do everything at a lower cost.
I did this only because the Ala Carte thing comes up now and again but if  
you do things Ala Carte anywhere else it usually means only one thing 
If money is left over you get it back 
Remember free donuts in Cleveland and free breakfast at PF(joint effort  
Pheasant run will be about $20 per person more than PF so expect that  
reflected in the pricing.  I am going there next week to work on a few more  details 
so I can get some actual numbers together.
Remember an indoor show costs significantly more than an outdoor one. But  if 
it rains it is the difference in a good show or a bust.  We are too big  to 
rely on weather.
Hope this helps it is just FYI and I hope you all understand I do the best  I 
can to get you the best speakers and entertainment I can for you at the best  
See you in Pheasant Run.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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