I have been scammed by people in Nigeria and Indonesia. They will say, process the card and even wait 30 days to ship it. The problem is that you will get a charge back 60 days later and you will fight it for months. I sold some stuff back in May and I am still fighting charge backs. If they want it, have them send the money via Western Union. You get cash that way and you are safe. Jack. -----Original Message----- From: Toby Peterson [mailto:tobyp@xxxx] Subject: [DML] DeLoreans in Nigeria? This seems like an extremely odd question, but how many DeLoreans do you suppose exist in Nigeria? One of the first parts inquiries that we have received is from Nigeria, and for a fairly large number of parts. The originator of the message appears to be serious about buying all of these parts and having them shipped home. I know that there are a number of scams that start in that country, but he wants me to run his credit card for the purchase. Any thoughts on the matter would be welcome.